Event Schedule
Check in @ 8AM (play begins 8:45AM)
See bottom of page for help in selecting your level of play
Friday - 7/12
Crush Clinic 3pm-4:30pm
Skills, Strategy, and Situational Awareness for all ages and skill levels.
Sponsored by Mikasa Sports
What Level To Play???
🏐 I can only bump set the ball (B)
🏐 I have decent hands when it comes to setting (BB)
🏐 I can jump set the ball and/or run plays (A/AA)
🏐 I underhand serve or can do a basic overhand serve (B)
🏐 I overhand serve and can place the ball pretty much where I aim (BB)
🏐 I can do special kinds of serves - like jump serves (A/AA)
🏐 What? In doubles?! (B)
🏐 I'm working on it, but not great yet (BB)
🏐 I can block, and call what I'm blocking so my partner can cover the rest (A)
🏐 I can switch up my calls on blocking at the last minute, or recover from a block by still passing it if it lands near me (AA/+)
🏐 I can hit the ball, but my aim isn't that great (B)
🏐 I can hit a hard driven ball on a good set (BB)
🏐 I can hit the ball down, cross court and line (A)
🏐 I can hit within the 10 foot line (AA)